Just as you take my hand
Just as you write my number down
Just as the drinks arrive
Just as they play your favourite song
As the magic disappears
No longer wound up like a spring
Before you've had too much
Come back and focus again
The walls abandon shape
You've got a cheshire cat grin
All blurring into one
This place is on a mission
Before the night owl
Before the animal noises
Closed circuit cameras
Before you're comatose
Before you run away from me
Before you're lost between the noise
The beat goes round and round
The beat goes round and round
I never really got there
I just pretended that I had
What's the point of instruments
Words are a sawed off shotgun
Come on and let it out
Come on and let it out
Come on and let it out
Come on and let it out
Before you run away from me
Before you start unravelling
Before you take my mic
Just as you dance, dance, dance
Jigsaws falling into place
There is nothing to explain
Regard each other as you pass
She looks back, you look back
Not just once
Not just twice
Wish away the nightmare
Wish away the nightmare
You've got a light you can feel it on your back
You've got a light you can feel it on your back
Jigsaws falling into place
Mai provato a fare i puzzle? Sono un pò come i mobili dell'ikea ti avanza sempre qualche pezzo che non sai dove mettere. Come molte altre cose sono arrivata alla filosofica conclusione che il vero gusto non è completare il quadro, tirare fuori l'immagine nascosta, terminarne il disegno. Il vero gusto è sistemare tutto, guardare soddisfatti il lavoro che viene pian piano fuori, ma tenere in mano l'ultimo pezzettino.
"Jigsaws falling into place...there is nothing to explain"
Colonna sonora di questa serata casalinga. Sono in versione "spalmabile" stasera. Cotta di stanchezza vado a finire il MIO eterno puzzle tra le braccia di Morfeo chissà se trovo sotto al cuscino quel cavolo di pezzettino...
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